Energy Saving Tips

Investing in energy efficiency now can save you energy in the months and years ahead. Check out these fast, easy, and affordable (often free!) ways to save energy every month.
Heat Savings Tips
Heating Saving Tips
Here are some quick, easy and inexpensive ways to keep the warm air in and the cold air out during heating season:
- Keep doors and air vents closed in rooms that are not being used.
- Close the fireplace flue damper tightly when not in use. Otherwise, you are wasting energy on air that can easily escape from the house.
- Cover bare floors with carpeting or rugs. The layers add comfort and retain heat.
- Direct your vents’ air flow across the floor because warm air rises.
- Rearrange furniture or shorten drapes to make sure that air vents are not blocked.
- Add a layer of insulation around ventilator ducts and water pipes that pass through unheated areas of your home, like the garage, attic or basement.
- Use caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows to reduce air flow.
- Reverse the direction of your fan to draw warm air down into your living space.
- Install a door sweep, or weather stop to keep cold air out and warm air in.
- When you are home set your heater to 68° or lower. Set your thermostat to around 58° if you are going to be out for more than a few hours.
- Programmable and smart thermostats can save energy when you’re asleep or away from home. Be sure to turn down your heat when you’re away for several days.
- Clean or replace your heating system’s air filter, and have your heater cleaned and serviced yearly for greater efficiency.
Hot Water Savings Tips
Hot Water Saving Tips
Winter, spring, summer or fall, you can save on hot water costs by following these few quick and easy guidelines for your hot water usage:
- Wash clothes in cold water to save on water heating costs.
- Set your water heater thermostat at 120 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save between 3% and 5% in energy costs for every 10° reduction.
- Switch to a showerhead with a flow rating of 2.0 gallons per-minute (GPM) or lower, and a faucet with a flow rating of 1.5 GPM or lower, or install fixtures that carry the WaterSense label. They cost little, and can reduce water usage by up to two-thirds while retaining the same water pressure.
- If you’re in the market for a new water heater, buy the most energy efficient model. If your water heater is used infrequently, consider a tankless model to reduce standby storage costs and waste.
- Make sure to address any water leaks. Small leaks may add up to many gallons of water and dollars wasted each month.
Appliance Savings Tips
Appliance Saving Tips
Save energy all year long by following these simple tips to save energy cleaning your dirty clothes and dishes:
- Replace old appliances with energy-efficient models carrying the ENERGY STAR label and start saving right away. Spending a little now can save you a bundle in the long-term.
- If your dryer has a sensor that automatically turns it off when the clothes are dry, use it. Don’t waste energy heating clothes that are already dry.
- Clean the lint trap after each use of your dryer. This is one of the easiest things you can do to improve air circulation and increase the efficiency of your gas dryer.
- Use the cold water setting on your clothes washer to save energy on heating water. Water heating makes up as much as 90 percent of the energy it takes to operate a clothes washer.
- Set your dishwasher on an energy saver setting and/or a low temperature, if possible.
- Use an energy efficient dishwasher, and run it with a full dish load. Washing dishes by hand typically uses more water and energy than using a dishwasher.