Efficient Building Grant

Efficient Building Grants Overview
With PGW’s Efficient Building Grants, you can receive up to $75,000 for comprehensive energy efficiency upgrades to existing commercial, industrial or multifamily buildings. Grants are calculated based on the cost of eligible upgrades.
Efficient Building Grants are available to commercial and industrial rate customers who make comprehensive energy efficiency upgrades to existing buildings.
Project Requirements
- Projects must include multiple energy efficiency measures that address different natural gas uses in a building.
- Application must be submitted prior to the start of the project.
- Comprehensive packages involving combinations of end-uses are given preferential consideration over less comprehensive projects.
- All measures proposed should be highest efficiency commercially available for the subject application.
- Customers must be on a firm natural gas rate.
Eligible Upgrades
Projects can include a variety of cost-effective natural gas efficiency measures, such as upgrades to:
- Space heating
- Water heating
- Building shell improvements
- Custom natural gas efficiency applications
Grant awards and project eligibility is based on energy savings and cost effectiveness. PGW offers grants of up to $75,000, calculated as a portion of the efficiency upgrade cost.
Complete the screening application
What Happens After I Complete The Application?
- PGW will review your screening application. If your application is eligible for further review, we will request comprehensive project details to assess the energy savings and costs.
- Schedule an onsite review of the efficiency measures and proposal. If the project qualifies based on the project analysis, PGW will issue a grant agreement.
- After the project has been completed provide project completion documents. PGW will then schedule an on-site verification of the efficiency measures, and if all criteria are met, you will receive a grant check within 4-6 weeks.
Program Update: EnergySense grants are available 9/1/2016 – 8/31/2020. Rebates and grants are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis and are subject to available funds.