EnergySense Rebate and Grant Updates

Beginning September 1, 2020, PGW EnergySense has made several updates to its rebate and grant offers. Please review the tables below for the incentive levels and efficiency requirements that have gone into effect September 1, 2020.

Rebate Levels and Efficiency Requirements Effective September 1, 2020
Residential Equipment Rebates
Equipment Type Eligibility Requirements
First Unit/Additional Units
Furnace 95% AFUE $350/$250
Boiler 94% AFUE $900/$700
Combi Boiler NEW! 94% AFUE $1,300/$1,000
Tankless Water Heater NEW! ENERGY STAR® $350
Equipment must meet the minimum efficiency level listed in the table above to qualify for a PGW EnergySense rebate. 
Commercial Boiler Equipment Rebates
Equipment Size (kBtu/h)
Efficiency Rebate
300-499 ≥92% Et $2,500
500-799 ≥92% Et $4,200
800-1,199 ≥92% Et
1,200-1,599 ≥92% Et
1,600+ ≥92% Et $8,400
Commercial Boiler Reset Control Rebates
Equipment Measure Rebate Amount
Commercial Outdoor Reset NEW! $350
Commercial Low-Intensity Infrared Heater Rebates
Minimum Efficiency Rebate Amount
≥80% Et NEW! $250/unit
Commercial Water Heating Equipment Rebates
Equipment Type
Efficiency & Size Rebate
Water Heater – Storage & Tankless ≥96% Et $4/MBH
Showerhead Aerator NEW! 1.75 GPM max. $16/showerhead*
Faucet Aerator NEW! 1.5 GPM max.  $4/faucet*

Commercial showerhead and faucet aerator rebates are for retrofit projects only.

*Minimum 10 per project

Commercial Steam Trap Rebates
Type Criteria Rebate Amount
Low Pressure PSIG <15 $45
Medium Pressure 15≥ PSIG <75 $120
High Pressure PSIG ≥75 $140

Commercial steam trap rebates are for retrofit projects only.

Commercial Building Roof Insulation Rebates
Roof Insulation Rebate Amount
Minimum R-49 NEW!

To qualify for this incentive your finished roof insulation must achieve a minimum insulation value of R-49. 


Commercial roof insulation incentives are available for retrofit projects only.

Commercial Cooking Equipment Rebates
Measure Name Minimum Efficiency Rebate Amount
Commercial Gas Fryer (Large Vat) ENERGYSTAR® $600 Per Fry Pot
Gas Fryer (Small Vat) ENERGYSTAR® $400 Per Fry Pot
Gas Steam Cooker (3 pans) ENERGYSTAR® $150
Gas Steam Cooker (4 pans) ENERGYSTAR® $275
Gas Steam Cooker (5 pans) ENERGYSTAR® $375
Gas Steam Cooker (6+ pans) ENERGYSTAR® $480
Rebate Incentive Caps for Commercial and Multifamily Projects

To encourage program participants to submit comprehensive rebate applications for commercial and multifamily projects, we offer higher rebate incentive caps for projects that incorporate eligible equipment and other improvements from multiple measure categories.

Relevant measure categories include: heating equipment, water heating equipment, building controls & distribution, commercial cooking equipment, and commercial building envelope upgrades.

  • Incentives will be capped at $25,000 for a project that includes eligible measures from only one measure category, and capped at $35,000 for projects including two measure categories. Projects that include three or more measure categories can earn up to $50,000.
  • Incentives across all projects are capped at $150,000 per customer per year.
Residential Construction Grants

The Residential Construction Grants program now offers grants of $1,400 for builders who build single family homes that exceed energy codes (2015 IECC) by 15%.

EnergySense rebates are available from 09/1/2020 – 08/31/23. Rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to available funds.

Contact us at or 855-749-7658 to learn more, or for help with your project application.