Commercial Rebate Application

Use this form to apply for all commercial rebates

Please fill out the form below to apply online.

Building Type:

Select the building type for your rebate application.

Rebate Checklist

  • Equipment invoice(s) showing:
    • Manufacturer/brand
    • Model number
    • Serial number
    • Invoice date/date purchased
    • Paid in full or “zero balance remaining”
  • AHRI Certificate: Find your AHRI product certificate here for boilers and commercial water heaters
  • ENERGY STAR certification: Find your ENERGY STAR product certification here for cooking equipment
  • Manufacturers’ specifications for outdoor reset controls, infrared heaters, and low-flow devices
  • Copy of PGW Bill
  • Signed application (applies to paper applications only)


  • Please ensure your contractor’s name and business address are included on your rebate application form.


  • 1 kBtu/h = 1000 Btu/h
  • 1 MBH = 1 kBtu/h